I dont understand the title either hahaha. I guess I'll just talk about what I will do different next year. I'm not gonna say a bunch of shit that I wont do next year this is actually what I will attemp to do. I will buy a new alarm so that it wakes me up, Find the best time to wake up so that I have enough time to sleep but aslo have some time to take a shower and all that good stuff, I will believe in my self like my teacher Brett said if you think your gonna do something then you will do it, no one knows why but you willl do what you say. I will improve my attendance and my grades I will try as hard as I can so that I can go back to templeton secondary but I dont think I will be able to because that would mean I will have to go back to Templeton
Summer here we come!! I cant wait for summer just 8 more days! Does anyone else feel that summer takes so long to come and goes away so fast? who the hell divided the school schedule? I mean we go to school for 10 months and get summer for 2 does that make sence? who ever divided it must have failed math for sure.... Anyway this summer I would like to go camping, fishing, paintball, biking oh yeah alot of biking this summer, this summer I will bike to english bay very often probably 15 times? im not to sure but if I could i would bike to english bay everyday. So yeah thats what I will be doing this summer

Fashion is something everyone worrys about. Honestly I think fashion should be something comfrtable and within a averge persons budget. Not a leather jacket made is rome and sells for 500 and cant get wet or it wears out. Girls fashion to be honest I dont really mind healls but when girls come home and start complainnig about there heals then dont wear them if they are not comfrtable why would you wear is right? thats like having a car you cant fit into. Now boys turn boys there isnt something we really worry about. Most boys my age wear jeans, jeans have been in style for a long time. Ive seen photos from the 60's where people wear jeans it might not be tight jeans but its still jeans. What we should change is the prices. It takes 2 dollars to make a shirt that sells for 60 dollars I dont get it because when you buy that shirt and wear it to a party there is a 50 percent chance there is probably 6 more people in the party with the same shirt. So what i recommend is dont be all up tight with a closet full of clothes that you dont wear anymore and you bought them last month. save money shop smart when you go shopping set a goal for your self take one bill and try buying as many nice and clothes as you can.

Ah Family day. Family day is a awesome idea well actually anything that will take us away from school is 
awesome. Don't act like u are not happy u liars! I honestly think family day is good idea because everyone is busy now a days with bills and crap like that. But on family day most people stay home I did. Anyway I'm talking to you government THANK YOU and if you people add more stuff like this I think everyone will be more happy.

I'm so sicked for this holiday but only if this holiday was in every month and not on the weekends
Fast Runner is not a good movie. The resons being is because it doesnt make sense more than 5 people died in that movie and everyone is family why the heck would you kill your own family? anyway if ur 100+ then yeah you would like it if your 30+ then you wouldn't love it but u would watch all of it. In the movie theres one guy that kicks the dog and hits it with a rope. After all its a drama movie and the main characters name is atuajat or some thing. I DON'T RECOMMEND IT ITS NOT A FAMILY MOVIE. Too many sex scenes. The plot of the movie is theres a guy named atuajat and he wants to marry this women thats been promised to another man so atuajat had to fight  another man so he won and ever since the guy that lost and hes 2 brothers want to kill atuajat and they fail.
Punxsutawney Phil this grounghog tested positive! spring is coming soon!

now Im not sure how this is going to work out, other groundhogs from other places might have tested negative so then what do we do? just wait? and when one groundhogs gets it wrong does that mean we give the groundhog away and get a new one? I don't think groundhog day makes sense to me but to other people it does.

I feel that this hole thing isn't really intelligent if we have the technology then why are we wasting our times seeing what the fat squirrels think. And if spring is coming early I'm happy!

  Groundhogs are large fat squirrels they live underground that's why they have the word "ground" in there name and hog because I'm guessing there in the same family. If you live out side of Canada  and America then you probably don't know what Groundhog day is. Groundhog day is basically when Groundhogs come out of there underground houses and if they see there own shadows that means spring is coming early if they see there shadows that means spring is coming 6 weeks later.

I think that the electronics and the technology should tell us what the weather will be not a bunch of squrriels
well canada is stopping the making of pennies because it cotsts more to make them then there worth!.
it costs 1.6 cents to make a penny that's worth 1 cent, so you get why there not making it anymore.

I think they should use a cheaper substance to make it like a cheap type of metal.

So im guessing my kids wont see pennies? So does that mean in 200 years the nickle will be gone also? and then the quarter the loonie Tonnie ahhhhh everything will be gone!!!!!!!!

hello ma peeps today or shall i say this week has been wierd. my sister got a baby bunny and my neaughbors got 1 bunny and 2 baby chicks they are extremely cute. but i woulnt want them cause they poop while they sleep,eat,run, basiclly they poop 24/7 so i dont recomend them. I also dont recommend bunnies they do the same thing but more often. If you think about getting a bunny or baby chicks for any reason dont its just a waist of time, you might disagree and think they are cute but they are not gonna be cute for ever so yeah. think before you buy them. Yesterday I went to boys club and we met a guy