Fashion is something everyone worrys about. Honestly I think fashion should be something comfrtable and within a averge persons budget. Not a leather jacket made is rome and sells for 500 and cant get wet or it wears out. Girls fashion to be honest I dont really mind healls but when girls come home and start complainnig about there heals then dont wear them if they are not comfrtable why would you wear is right? thats like having a car you cant fit into. Now boys turn boys there isnt something we really worry about. Most boys my age wear jeans, jeans have been in style for a long time. Ive seen photos from the 60's where people wear jeans it might not be tight jeans but its still jeans. What we should change is the prices. It takes 2 dollars to make a shirt that sells for 60 dollars I dont get it because when you buy that shirt and wear it to a party there is a 50 percent chance there is probably 6 more people in the party with the same shirt. So what i recommend is dont be all up tight with a closet full of clothes that you dont wear anymore and you bought them last month. save money shop smart when you go shopping set a goal for your self take one bill and try buying as many nice and clothes as you can.

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